Friday, February 20, 2009
I've added a video bar which is at the bottom of this page. There you can see our videos, two of which are the puppies, but sorry, they are dark.
The puppies at four weeks!

The have grown and changed so much in their four short weeks of puppy life. They all eat solids now. They also walk and run (and chew on the tops of feet!) Grifham has been introduced to them and now plays with them daily. He's a good papa. They can also get out of the playpen, and do so at will. I find it fascinating that they also go back in when they are tired, instead of wandering around and exploring their world. They all love to be held and cuddled, and are so friendly! Anouk is doing well considering they all have teeth now and sharp little nails that I have to trim regularly.
So far so good!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Puppy Food!
Against most of the rules, the puppies have started with a tiny bit of puppy food today. It's more like oatmeal mush, but they all (but Frankie) took to it immediately, So what prompted me? Anouk is utterly exhausted and bruised. She is spending more time away, and today Tank bit me. Now, they have all been gnawing at our fingers for a couple of weeks. It's so cute! but a few minutes ago while snuggling with Tank, he bit me. You know, with teeth. Four, to be exact. No wonder she looks at me helplessly when it's time to nurse again! And when you do the math, the puppies total combined weight is more than half of Anouks total weight. I will check the others for teeth tomorrow. Tank and Bella seem to be the most advanced of the litter so far, so I won't be surprised if I find Bella has teeth too. In the meantime, it's time to slowly introduce an alternative to mama's milk so she can get a bit of a break. She never complains, it's always me!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Almost three weeks!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I can see you!
Bella and Tank's eyes are open! So cute. They look so confused. :) Our mini Grif is just the cutest thing. If it is any indication this early on, he will be so much like his dad. He sleeps with his mouth wide open, sticking his tongue out every now and then. If I hold him in my hands while he is on his back, he sucks on his foot. Speaking of which, they all got their nails trimmed for the first time today because they are scratching the *you know what* out of their mother. Mama is good and stitches are out!
Friday, January 30, 2009
12 days and growing!
They are all well and absolutely beautiful. Anouk seems to have a bit of the blues, when I left last night she was desperate to go with me! She is still a champion mother, and also my hero. :)
It's hard to tell exactly who is who but that's Bella on the top (she either goes under or over, her size allows it!) and that's Tank under her (size difference? Whoa!), with Blue under them. Mini Grif is alseep behind his mother. You can see his behind by Anouk's head.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
It's a puppy minefield around here!
I think it's safe to say that Anouk it back to her old self. She looks great, she plays just as hard as she did pre-pregnancy, and eats like no tomorrow. Part of her *back to normal* means she jumps into bed with me as soon as I crawl in. The problem is that she is so happy to jump into bed at night, that she leaps out of her whelping box with usually at least one pup still latched on! We have to be so careful going into our room now. Three times there has been a pup on the floor just outside the box. She also goes in and out of bed throughout the night. I found Tank on the floor at 3 am. Thank goodness they are hearty little pups! While I am aghast, everyone else is just fine. So, she's not the most graceful dachshund, but she sure is the funniest! You would think she would turn back, knowing there was a pup on the floor. But no, she's off to the newest adventure.
I'll be in this house until Spring! :~)
I'll be in this house until Spring! :~)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
My girl and her puppies
One week old today! What a week. It is amazing to me how much they have grown in just a week. The changes Anouk has gone through in just one week are stunning also. I'd bet she doesn't weigh more than a pound than she did pre pups. Her incision has healed up beautifully, and she is back to her old self. She started jumping back into bed with me yesterday (What a happy surprise!) and napped with me today. She laid on the edge of the bed for a good hour and a half (usually she is under the blankets with me) with a bird's eye view of her puppies. Almost as if she needed a break, but wasn't going too far. We are looking forward to the next week when eyes start opening and personalities become stronger. Our cream colored doxie is the strongest and most adventurous so far, and baby Bella has found her voice, just like her mother, and doesn't hesitate to vocalize if she feels short changed. They are all beautiful and healthy, we couldn't ask for more.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Dachshund makes #7 in AKC's Best in breed: The top 10 dogs of the year.
Go Doxies!
Go Doxies!
I caved
We take Grif in several times a day in our arms, but Anouk is no more welcoming than the day before, so we will keep trying and occasionally hijack a pup so Grif can see his family.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Another puppy tucked away
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The end of another day
Here we are at Tuesday's end, thinking it couldn't be possible that we all would be more wiped out than the day before. But we are. Anouk is still a champion mom, never wanting to leave the nest. She is still a little rough, but it seems to alarm me more than the puppies. I mean really, she licks so hard she flips the babies! Everything in me tells me not to interfere, she's doing a great job. But I can't help but pull that puppy from behind her or underneath her, and place them back where she can see them. Okay, so I can see them too! Must be a mom thing. :)
Tuesday morning and Anouk just refuses to leave the nest. I picked her up when I got up so she could get something to eat and go outside. A girls gotta stretch her legs a bit! As soon as I set her down she ran back to the bedroom crying! She was hand fed in the nest. Once a princess, always a princess!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Anouk and her pups
So here she is in mama mode. She is very comfortable now with her pups, although we don't leave her alone with them because she tends to start out a little rough. Her puppies (we don't dare say "Baby" around her because it has a whole different meaning!) from left to right are 1) blonde boy nicknamed Tank because he weighed in at 8 ounces and is the first to the buffet (and last to leave!). 2) incredibly dappled boy, more so than Anouk with the temporary name of spot because he is so spotted (dappled!) weighing 6 ounces at birth. 3) That's our only girl, baby Bella who already has a home and is also dappled, although not as much as her brother and weighed in at just 5 1/2 ounces, and 4) That is our mini Grif who weighed in at 7 ounces and looks just like his father. Not a dapple on him. He, I anticipate, will be a beautiful red also.
That's it for today, we are all exhausted. Anouk is eating and going out, and healing up just beautifully. I'm proud of her. Special thanks to Erin, whom we got Anouk from nearly four years ago. She is a gift each and every day and loved beyond words.
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